How old is JeLaminah Lanier?

JeLaminah Lanier was born on 16 January 1990.
JeLaminah Lanier is 35 years old.

How old is JeLaminah Lanier in days now?

JeLaminah Lanier is 35 years 2 months 8 days old.
Total 12,851 days old now.

When is the next birthday of JeLaminah Lanier?

JeLaminah Lanier's next birthday is in 9 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of JeLaminah Lanier?

Zodiac sign of JeLaminah Lanier is Capricorn.

One of the prettiest and most charismatic reality show stars, JeLaminah Lanier has got her fame after her participation in 14 Season of Bad Girls Club aired on Oxygen in 2015 in which she starred alongside Jasmine Carter, Beatrice Miller, and others. Born in 1990 in Alabama, she spent her childhood in Atlanta and then moved to Houston together with her large family. She studied at Texas Southern University and later on continued in the world of modeling. In 2015 she appeared in the mentioned episode of BGC, and was eliminated in Episode 7 after a serious physical fight with Lauren and Kat. However, JeLaminah continued in a few spin offs of the show like Baddies Caribbean, Baddies South, as well as acted as a judge in the auditions for Baddies West. As a public personality, JeLaminah Lanier continues as a social media influencer. In 2024 she took part in one more spin off, Baddies Midwest.

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