How old is Zeina Khoury?

Zeina Khoury was born on 13 December 1983.
Zeina Khoury is 41 years old.

How old is Zeina Khoury in days now?

Zeina Khoury is 41 years 3 months 12 days old.
Total 15,078 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Zeina Khoury?

Zeina Khoury's next birthday is in 8 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Zeina Khoury?

Zodiac sign of Zeina Khoury is Sagittarius.

A gorgeous and chick reality show stare, Zenia Khoury is also a business lady and a CEO of a rich clothing producing company. She was born in 1983 in Lebanon and spent most of her early life there. She finished school and made her first steps in life in Lebanon, but in the early 2000s she moved to New York to study at the Columbia Business School. Later on she continued her education in the UK, and in both of the countries she managed to establish plenty of useful contacts for her future career in business. In the mid 2000s she moved to the UAE and tried to find herself in real estate business which is extremely prosperous in Dubai. During the late 2000s and the next decade she would live through ups and downs in her business, but still managed to stand tall and continue gaining positions for her company in the market. Since fashion has been one of her main interests, she decided to open a few clothing producing companies which are very famous and known among the expensive clothes fans. In the early 2020s Khoury took part in a popular reality show by Netflix called Dubai Bling where she received a name "Versace Queen". She told her life-story to the whole world and became known worldwide, as well as earned a lot of fans and admirers around the world. Zenia Khoury has been married for almost a dozen of years to Hanna Azzi, a high rank executive in a commercial company, and the couple has a son Joel and a daughter Alexa.

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