How old is Maura Higgins?

Maura Higgins was born on 25 November 1990.
Maura Higgins is 34 years old.

How old is Maura Higgins in days now?

Maura Higgins is 34 years 3 months 10 days old.
Total 12,521 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Maura Higgins?

Maura Higgins's next birthday is in 8 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Maura Higgins?

Zodiac sign of Maura Higgins is Sagittarius.

Maura Higgins is an Irish model and reality show star who got known for her participation in Love Island. Born in 1990 in Longford, Ireland, and was raised by her parents alongside her brother and sister. After finishing school she took a course of hairdressing and began to work in a saloon in Ballynahoon, her hometown, and that's where she was spotted by some modeling scouts and invited to sign up with a modeling agency. During the second half of the 2010s she joined a large number of campaigns and projects like fashion and sporting related events. She appeared in some musical videos and numerous commercials. In 2019 Maura launched her first clothing collections as well as was invited to tale part in 5th season of Love Island. After her great performance at the show she continued on other shows like Dancing on Ice, This Morning, Celebrity Juice, Loose Woman, Love Island spin offs, Cooking with the Stars, the Late Late Show, and many others. Since 2019 she has lived in Essex, the UK, and was in a relationships with a few superstars like Chris Hemsworth and such. Maura Higgins is a popular Instagram star, with the number of the fans approaching to 4 million people (as of the early 2024).

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