How old is Jana Craig?
Jana Craig was born on 13 December 1996.
Jana Craig is 28 years old.
How old is Jana Craig in days now?
Jana Craig is 28 years 3 months 12 days old.
Total 10,329 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jana Craig?
Jana Craig's next birthday is in 8 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jana Craig?
Zodiac sign of Jana Craig is Sagittarius.
Jana Craig is one of the television stars who are known for their participation in some popular reality shows. Known as JaNa from Love Island, she was born in 1996 in Hawaii and spent her early years there, alongside her parents, he sister and good friends. After finishing high school she attended San Diego University and graduated in the late 2010s. She continued to work in various commercial projects for some time, at the same time trying to find her way in the world of television and modeling. In 2023 she was invited to join Season 6 of Love Island USA to be broadcast in 2024, which turned out to be very successful for Jana and made her a star. She was one of the most outstanding and charming contestants, and eventually managed to become the third in the competition. During the filming process she met Kenny Rodriguez whom she has been dating even since (as of the early 2025). Jana Craig is extremely popular on Instagram, and currently there are over 1.7 million people following her channel in order to learn about the updates in her life and see new pictures of hers.