How old is Melissa Gisoni?

Melissa Gisoni was born on 13 June 1968.
Melissa Gisoni is 55 years old.

How old is Melissa Gisoni in days now?

Melissa Gisoni is 55 years 11 months 7 days old.
Total 20,430 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Melissa Gisoni?

Melissa Gisoni's next birthday is in 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Melissa Gisoni?

Zodiac sign of Melissa Gisoni is Gemini.

Melissa Gisoni is a TV personality who became popular as a participant of Dance Moms TV show where she appeared alongside her daughters Maddie Zeigler and Mackenzie Ziegler. She was born in 1968 in New York, to the parents of American and European origins. She got married to Kurt Ziegler who is the father of the two girls, but currently, Melissa is married to Greg Gissoni. Both of her daughters are very talented at dancing and their performance in Dance Moms was remarkable. Melissa and her daughters are very popular both as TV personalities and social media people. As of the mid 2023, she has over 3.8 million followers on her Instagram account. Social networking activities bring the family really good incomes, and the future for Melissa Gisoni and her girls seems to be very bright.

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