How old is Martha Stewart?
Martha Stewart was born on 3 August 1941.
Martha Stewart is 83 years old.
How old is Martha Stewart in days now?
Martha Stewart is 83 years 7 months 27 days old.
Total 30,555 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Martha Stewart?
Martha Stewart's next birthday is in 4 months 4 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Martha Stewart?
Zodiac sign of Martha Stewart is Leo.
Martha Stewart is a famous TV personality, author, social activist and businesswoman known mainly for her eponymous TV shows which she used to conduct for many years. Born in 1941 in New Jesrey, she grew up in a large family, alongside her parents and five siblings. Brought up as a Catholic, she started working when she was a teenager and got used to makeing a living on her own. Her mother was a wonderful example for Martha, and she taught Martha to look after her house and do all kinds of housework. In her late teen ages, Stewart did some modeling jobs and appeared in a few commercials, and that is how her way to television was opened. Since the 1980s she was a TV host and created a number of TV shows related to cooking and DIY like Martha Stewart Living which was later renamed in just Martha. She is the author of plenty of books and a founder of numerous charity related organizations. She is a successful business woman who has invested money in financial and other kinds of business. Martha Stewart is a winner of a few important awards, and she enjoys some serious international recognition. She was married to her university friend and has a daughter.
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