How old is Maddie Ziegler?

Maddie Ziegler was born on 30 September 2002.
Maddie Ziegler is 21 years old.

How old is Maddie Ziegler in days now?

Maddie Ziegler is 21 years 7 months 20 days old.
Total 7,903 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Maddie Ziegler?

Maddie Ziegler's next birthday is in 4 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Maddie Ziegler?

Zodiac sign of Maddie Ziegler is Libra.

Madison Nicole Ziegler is a brilliant dancer, an actress, and a reality show star who became famous as a participant of The Dance Moms reality TV series. She was born in 2002 in Pittsburgh and was interested in dancing since her early childhood, and she has been appearing on the mentioned TV show since she was 8. Spectators remember her as the first person who was on the top of Dance Moms show. Maddie is also a model and an active social media user, with her Instagram account currently having over 14 million followers, and her Twitter account with about 1.2 million subscribers (as of the mid 2023). In the early 2017, Ziegler released her own clothing line named Maddie Style. She appeared in a couple of videos of Sia. In autumn 2017 Maddie published a book, the Audition, which is available online now. Maddie Ziegler is an active healthy lifestyle promoter and a known philanthropist, who takes part in numerous events and social activities related to sports and healthy living. She dated Jack Kelly, a popular Instagram star.

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