How old is Landon Barker?

Landon Barker was born on 9 October 2003.
Landon Barker is 20 years old.

How old is Landon Barker in days now?

Landon Barker is 20 years 7 months 11 days old.
Total 7,529 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Landon Barker?

Landon Barker's next birthday is in 4 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Landon Barker?

Zodiac sign of Landon Barker is Libra.

Landon Barker is a young reality star who became popular as a member of the Barkers family during the reality TV show Meet the Barkers. He was born in 2003 in California. His father, Travis Barker, is the drummer of Blink-182 band. His mum, Shanna Moakler, is a former USA beauty queen. Landon was just a toddler when he appeared in the reality show together with his parents and his younger sister Alabama Barker. He was also a part of the spin-off show which was broadcasted in 2008. Landon Baker is a rising social media star, with a channel on YouTube and a popular Instagram account which currently has about two million followers (as of the early 2023). Since 2022, he has been a boyfriend of Charli D'Amelio, a social media superstar.

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