How old is Future?

Future was born on 20 November 1983.
Future is 41 years old.

How old is Future in days now?

Future is 41 years 4 months 8 days old.
Total 15,104 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Future?

Future's next birthday is in 7 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Future?

Zodiac sign of Future is Scorpio.

Future is a famous rapper and musician known for his cool hits. Born Nayvadius DeMun Wilburn in 1983 in Georgia, he grew up there alongside his brother and began loving music in his early teen ages. His nickname Future got attached to him when he was a member of the band The Dungeon Family. In the early 2010s, Future released a bunch of his first mixtapes and managed to sign up with a recording company. His first studio album Pluto came out in 2012 and the second one Honest was released in 2014, both becoming quite popular. So far Future has released 6 studio albums and many mixtapes, which include a large number of hits and collaborative hits with such musicians and singers as Gucci Mane, Drake, Young Thug, Zaytoven, and many more. Future has a large number of songs that landed upon the 1st line of Billboard magazine, and he is a winner of many awards. He is a father of 6 children with 6 different women, and just like all the rappers of our times constantly has problems with the law. His latest girlfriend's name is a rapper Des Dior, they were dating on and off for some last years.

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