How old is Gucci Mane?
Gucci Mane was born on 12 February 1980.
Gucci Mane is 45 years old.
How old is Gucci Mane in days now?
Gucci Mane is 45 years 1 month 13 days old.
Total 16,478 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gucci Mane?
Gucci Mane's next birthday is in 10 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Gucci Mane?
Zodiac sign of Gucci Mane is Aquarius.
Gucci Mane is an American rapper and musician. He was born as Radric Delantic Davis in 1980 in Alabama but grew up in Atlanta, and that's where he made his first steps in music. At the beginning of the 2000s, Mane joined the city's rap community and started trying to attract attention and collaborated with a number of musicians. His first studio album came out in 2005 and he has recorded 13 albums so far and over 70 mixtapes. He has his own recording studio which is producing his music. Mane had a small time out of business in the mid-2010s, and he was back with new songs and new music which expanded the limits of traditional hip hop related styles. Gucci Mane collaborated with a large number of singers and musicians like Drake, Shawty Lo, Marlyn Manson, Selena Gomez, Lil Wayne, etc. Mane often records songs with his old friend Zaytoven. In the mid 2024, he continues releasing new singles like "Muwop". He is married to a model Keyshia Ka'oir and the couple has a son.