How old is Drake?
Drake was born on 24 October 1986.
Drake is 38 years old.
How old is Drake in days now?
Drake is 38 years 4 months 16 days old.
Total 14,019 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Drake?
Drake's next birthday is in 7 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Drake?
Zodiac sign of Drake is Scorpio.
Aubrey Drake Graham is a famous Canadian singer, music producer, songwriter, and actor. He was born in Toronto, Ontario, to a family of a musician and a teacher. Drake started his career as an actor on the television series, Degrassi. Then he decided to be a rapper and in 2007, he released his mixtape, Room for Improvement. In 2010 released his debut album titled Thank Me Later, which became No. 1 on the US Billboard 200, and brought him the Platinium Record. He since then released three more albums, Take Care in 2011, Nothing Was the Same in 2013, and finally Views in 2016. With all these albums, he has won several Grammy Awards, 3 Juno Awards, and 6 American Music Awards. He also holds several Billboard records. He is known for his successful collaboration with a large number of singers starting from Kanye West and ending up with Nicki Minaj. Drake has his own record label OVO Sound. He is the global ambassador for the Toronto Raptors.