How old is Young Thug?

Young Thug was born on 16 August 1991.
Young Thug is 33 years old.

How old is Young Thug in days now?

Young Thug is 33 years 7 months 9 days old.
Total 12,275 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Young Thug?

Young Thug's next birthday is in 4 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Young Thug?

Zodiac sign of Young Thug is Leo.

Young Thug is a hip hop singer famous for a few of his hits and collaborations with other known rappers including Childish Gambino, with his iconic song "This Is America". Born Jeffrey Lamar Williams in 1991 in a very crowded family, he grew up alongside his 10 siblings. Just like it happens for most of the rappers, his childhood and teenage hood were quite tough. He started his career in the early 2010s by recording his first mixtapes and appearing on stage alongside such hip-hoppers as Gucci Mane and others. Since the mid-2010s Young Thug has recorded a number studio mixtapes and took part in a large number of joint projects with Birdman, Shawty Lo, Future, Rich Home Quan, and many others. In 2017 Young Thug recorded a song with Camila Cabello, which became a great hit. Finally, in 2019 he received a Grammy Award for "This Is America" with Donald Glover. In the fall of 2021 his second studio album named Punk is scheduled to be released. As of the early 2023, he is dating Mariah the Scientist.

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