How old is Francesca Farago?

Francesca Farago was born on 18 November 1993.
Francesca Farago is 30 years old.

How old is Francesca Farago in days now?

Francesca Farago is 30 years 5 months 21 days old.
Total 11,130 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Francesca Farago?

Francesca Farago's next birthday is in 6 months 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Francesca Farago?

Zodiac sign of Francesca Farago is Scorpio.

Francesca Farago is a lovely model, and Instagram star and a reality show star who is known to the general public for her great performance in a NETFLIX Tv show Too Hot To Handle. Born in 1993 in Canada, she grew up in Ottawa alongside her parents and sister. She was a good student at school and later on studied law at one of the Universities in Canada. She has been involved in various modeling and acting related projects since she was a teenager, and in the mid 2010s she opened her first social media account on Instagram which immediately became really popular and growing one. She has been sharing plenty of interesting pictures of her modeling times, her trips and parties. Currently, there are almost 9 million people following her account (in November 2023). As an actress, she appeared in such projects as Love Is Blind, Too Hot Too Handle, My Transparent Life, A Perfect Match, etc. Francesca Farago dated plenty of celebrities and her partners from the TV projects including Demi Sims or Harry Jowsey, and finally in 2023 she got engaged to a TikTok star Jesse Sullivan.

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