How old is Ethan Torchio?

Ethan Torchio was born on 8 October 2000.
Ethan Torchio is 24 years old.

How old is Ethan Torchio in days now?

Ethan Torchio is 24 years 5 months 20 days old.
Total 8,937 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ethan Torchio?

Ethan Torchio's next birthday is in 6 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ethan Torchio?

Zodiac sign of Ethan Torchio is Libra.

Ethan Torchio is a drummer and a performer known as a member of an Italian band Maneskin. Born in 2000 in Rome, he has been a great fan of music and has some great training as a drummer. In the mid 2010s he became a member of the band, alongside its charismatic lead singer Damiano David. In 2017, together with his bandmates, he joined The X Faxtor TV show which the band finished as the runner up. A year later they recorded their first studio album and appeared in a documentary about the band. The early 2020s became the greatest time for the band as in 2021 Maneskin won San Remo Music Festival and the became the first in the prestigious Eurovision Song Contest. So far, the band has recorded two studio albums and Ethan Torchio is among the main contributors in the success of the band on the world's stage.

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