How old is Ebraheem Al Samadi?

Ebraheem Al Samadi was born on 15 January 1988.
Ebraheem Al Samadi is 37 years old.

How old is Ebraheem Al Samadi in days now?

Ebraheem Al Samadi is 37 years 2 months 11 days old.
Total 13,585 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ebraheem Al Samadi?

Ebraheem Al Samadi's next birthday is in 9 months 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ebraheem Al Samadi?

Zodiac sign of Ebraheem Al Samadi is Capricorn.

Ebraheem Al Samadi is a businessman and a reality show star who is known as a part of Dubai Bling TV show. He was born in 1988 in Kuwait, to a reach family, and spent most of his childhood in Florida, the US. He went to school there and started his first business focused on clothes selling there, at the age of 14. Later on he studied business at the University of Aberdeen in London where he received his Master's Degree in the mid 2010s. At that time he was a CEO of a few of his companies including Forever Rose and Forever Rose Cafe. In the early 2020s he joined the cast of Dubai Bling reality show which was a NETFLIX show to show the life of the UAE elite business people. Ebraheem appeared there alongside Kris Fade, Farhana Bodi, Zeina Khoury, and other stars. It is possible to find him on Instagram where the number of his fans is close to two thirds of a million people, as of the early 2025. Currently, Ebraheem Al Samadi is preparing for his wedding, and not much is known about his future wife.

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