How old is Drew Dirksen?
Drew Dirksen was born on 30 September 1996.
Drew Dirksen is 28 years old.
How old is Drew Dirksen in days now?
Drew Dirksen is 28 years 5 months 10 days old.
Total 10,390 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Drew Dirksen?
Drew Dirksen's next birthday is in 6 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Drew Dirksen?
Zodiac sign of Drew Dirksen is Libra.
Drew Dirksen is a musician and guitarist known as a member of The Tide band. Born in 1996 in Ohio, he grew up in Monroe , alongside his sister Kacey who is a famous Instagrammer now. Drew started playing the guitar when he was a young teenager. When he was 20 years old, he became a founding member of The Tide which received plenty of help and support from another band, The Vamps, with Brad Simpson being its lead singer. The band includes members and it become famous for covering some songs of other famous bands like One Direction and so on. Despite being quite busy with The Tide in the late 2010s, Drew has been actively collaborating with some other bands like ROYLS, ODL and others. Drew Dirksen used to date Noel Tompson and, as of the mid 2022, he is in a relationship with Brittany Hertz, a social media star. Drew himself has a popular Instagram account, with the number of followers exceeding a half of a million.