How old is Dream Doll?
Dream Doll was born on 28 February 1992.
Dream Doll is 33 years old.
How old is Dream Doll in days now?
Dream Doll is 33 years 7 days old.
Total 12,061 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Dream Doll?
Dream Doll's next birthday is in 11 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Dream Doll?
Zodiac sign of Dream Doll is Pisces.
Dream Doll is a famous reality star and a rapper known for her participation in a few TV projects. She was born Tabatha Robinson in New York City and spent her childhood in Bronx, alongside her parents, four siblings and friends. She began rapping and free-styling in quite a young age and she used to be a member of many hip hop groups. During the 2010s Dream Doll took part in some TV projects like Bad Girls Club, Love and Hip Hop and others. Dream Doll is famous for her love to pink color so she has pink hair and a pink car. She loves pranks and scaring her friends. Her most famous hits include "Ah Ah Ah", "Watchu Like" and others. As of the late 2024, Dream Doll has over 5.2 million followers on her Instagram account.
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