How old is Dazharia Shaffer?
Dazharia Shaffer was born on 4 June 2002. Dazharia Shaffer died on 9 February 2021 at the age of 18 years.
What was the exact age of Dazharia Shaffer?
Dazharia Shaffer's exact age was 18 years 8 months 5 days old. Dazharia Shaffer lived for total 6,825 days.
What would be the age of Dazharia Shaffer if alive?
Dazharia Shaffer's exact age would be 22 years 8 months 18 days old if alive. Total 8,299 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Dazharia Shaffer?
Zodiac sign of Dazharia Shaffer is Gemini.
Dazharia Shaffer was a rising TikTok star and a talented content creator who became famous for her channel titled Bxbygilldee. Shaffer was born in 2002 in Louisiana, to the family of Jennifer and Raheem Shaffer who are now also very popular social media personalities. She spent her childhood in a way quite similar to the ones of all modern millennials, loving music, sports, outdoor activities, computers, and social media networking sites. Supported by her father, she opened her personal TikTok channel in the late 2010s and in the beginning she was using it solely as a vlog. Later on, she started uploading various comedy related videos like lip-syncing or funny stories. As of the early 2021, she managed to attract about 1.4 million followers who truly loved her content and used to inspire her. However, a tragedy happened in February 2021, when Dazhiara Shaffer passed away at the age of only 18, leaving her fans, family and numerous friends devastated and shocked...
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