How old is Christi Lukasiak?
Christi Lukasiak was born on 3 March 1977.
Christi Lukasiak is 48 years old.
How old is Christi Lukasiak in days now?
Christi Lukasiak is 48 years 4 days old.
Total 17,536 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Christi Lukasiak?
Christi Lukasiak's next birthday is in 11 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Christi Lukasiak?
Zodiac sign of Christi Lukasiak is Pisces.
Christi Lukasiak is a TV personality and a dancer who rose to fame as one of the participants of Dance Moms show. Born in 1977 in Pennsylvania, she grew up in a small city of Churchill alongside her sister Jodi, and dancing has been her most favorite hobby since her early years. She used to dream about becoming a professional dancer but in the late 1990s she got married to Marc Lukasiak and quite soon became a mom of two lovely daughters, Chloe Lukasiak and Clara Lukasiak. Both of the girl are also truly fond of dancing and, supported by their parents, they received some great training in that. Chritsiis considered one of the founding dancers of Dance Moms program, together with Kelly Hyland, Melissa Ziegler, Holly Fraizer, etc. In the late 2020 Christi Lukasiak was involved in various charity related projects including the activities of the organization called YoutMomCares.
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