How old is Uriel Saenz?

Uriel Saenz was born on 26 September 1976.
Uriel Saenz is 48 years old.

How old is Uriel Saenz in days now?

Uriel Saenz is 48 years 5 months 14 days old.
Total 17,699 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Uriel Saenz?

Uriel Saenz's next birthday is in 6 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Uriel Saenz?

Zodiac sign of Uriel Saenz is Libra.

Uriel Saenz is a prominent fashion designer of modern times and a social influencer who is also known as an entrepreneur and an extremely effective generator of ideas. He was born in 1976 in the US to the family of Spanish descent, and after finishing his education he paid his military service in the Marine Corps. Before establishing his first business company Lifestyle Media Group he worked as an executive in a few large business corporations where Saenz impressed his employers with his amazing skills and talents as an entrepreneur. His personal business ideas are rather focused on designing and producing his clothes lines which are focused mainly on rich customers. His business concept was always focused on innovations and challenges which he was never afraid of. Uriel Saenz is married and has a lovely daughter.

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