How old is Walt Disney?

Walt Disney was born on 5 December 1901. Walt Disney died on 15 December 1966 at the age of 65 years.

What was the exact age of Walt Disney?

Walt Disney's exact age was 65 years 10 days old. Walt Disney lived for total 23,751 days.

What would be the age of Walt Disney if alive?

Walt Disney's exact age would be 123 years 3 months 7 days old if alive. Total 45,023 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Walt Disney?

Zodiac sign of Walt Disney is Sagittarius.

An epic entertainer, animator, voice actor, cinema producer, and entrepreneur, Walt Disney is known as one of the creators of animation industry and cartoon making. Born in 1901 in Chicago, he began displaying his talent and interest in drawing when he was a young child. In the early 1920s he started to work as an illustrator and decided to move to California in order to open his small private business soon together with his elder brother. In 1928 Disney came up with a character of Mickey Mouse and began to publish drawings with him. Soon, the idea of creating an animated clip with a voice came to his mind, and that is how the first ever cartoon came out. In the early 1930s Disney brothers hired a stuff to implement their ideas in improving cartoon producing techniques and using synchronized sounds. The most popular early cartoons include the ones about the Snow White, Pinocchio, Bambi the Deer, and others. After the WWII, a new era for his business started. The first direction was to make animated films, and the second one was to invest in themed parks known now as Disneyland, the first one of which was opened in California in 1955. Walt Disney was a heavy smoker and passed away in 1966 because of lung cancer. His figure has always been a prominent cultural icon and is remembered for the great contribution in the development of American cultural imperialism.

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