How old is Ivanka Trump?

Ivanka Trump was born on 30 October 1981.
Ivanka Trump is 43 years old.

How old is Ivanka Trump in days now?

Ivanka Trump is 43 years 4 months 24 days old.
Total 15,853 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ivanka Trump?

Ivanka Trump's next birthday is in 7 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ivanka Trump?

Zodiac sign of Ivanka Trump is Scorpio.

Ivanka Trump is a businesswoman and a former model who is known as one of the daughters and an advisor of the 45th President of the US Donald Trump. She was born in 1981 to Trump and his first wife Ivana. She was raised alongside her two brothers, and in the early 1990s her parents got divorced. She studied economics in two universities and in the early 2000s she started working as a hired employee in various businesses, until later in the decade she became the owner of a few companies that her father had opened for her. Those were the times when Ivanka did some modeling and her photos appeared on the pages of such popular magazines as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Seventeen, Forbes Life, and so on. In the early 2010s she started taking part in various TV programs including the famous show The Apprentice conducted by her father. In 2017 Ivanka began working in the Presidential Office of her father and is an advisor of the President. She is married to a businessman Jared Kushner and the couple has 3 children. Ivanka Trump is a popular social life activist and social media influencer.

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