How old is Tyler Perry?
Tyler Perry was born on 13 September 1969.
Tyler Perry is 55 years old.
How old is Tyler Perry in days now?
Tyler Perry is 55 years 6 months 17 days old.
Total 20,287 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Tyler Perry?
Tyler Perry's next birthday is in 5 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Tyler Perry?
Zodiac sign of Tyler Perry is Virgo.
Tyler Perry is a famous American actor, comedian, movie director, author, and producer. Born Emmitt Perry Jr. in 1969 in Louisiana he was raised alongside his three siblings and his father was a very strict parent who even made his son escape living in the family at the age of 16 and change his name for Tyler. Despite his really hard childhood, Perry Jr. was determined to achieve success in this life and started his career by writing for local theaters in Atlanta. In the 1990s we wrote a large number of plays and produced many of them. Further, he continued in the cinema art where he is famous both as a director and an actor. His best works include such movies as Madea's Family Reunion, Meet The Browns, Madea Goes To Jail, Madea's Big Happy Family, Madea's Witness Protection, A Madea Christmas, Boo! A Madea Halloween, and so on. Tyler Perry is considered to be one of the best actors in satire and parody, with some amazing examples of those in his TV shows like Tyler Perry's House of Pain. Perry names Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Janet Jackson, and other celebrities among his best friends.
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