How old is Teagan Rybka?
Teagan Rybka was born on 22 June 1995.
Teagan Rybka is 29 years old.
How old is Teagan Rybka in days now?
Teagan Rybka is 29 years 9 months 6 days old.
Total 10,872 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Teagan Rybka?
Teagan Rybka's next birthday is in 2 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Teagan Rybka?
Zodiac sign of Teagan Rybka is Cancer.
Teagan Rybka is an Australian dancer, TV star and social media personality who became really famous alongside her identical twin sister Sam Rybka. Born in 1995 in the city of Perth, Australia, she spent her childhood there, taking part in numerous training sessions and classes in dancing and acrobatics. When the sisters were 18 years old, they auditioned for Australia's Got Talent where they performed an exclusive contortionist act, and managed to qualify to the main competition. However, the Rybka Twins were sent out of the show in the quarterfinals. They continued by promoting their joint YouTube channel The Rybka Twins which is currently enjoying quite good popularity and has about 8 million subscribers (as of the mid 2024). Their videos are focused not only on dancing or acrobatics but also on various positive stories and comedy related ideas. The sisters also have their personal Instagram accounts. Teagan Rybka loves fashion and music best of all.