How old is Vitoria Bueno?

Vitoria Bueno was born on 22 March 2005.
Vitoria Bueno is 20 years old.

How old is Vitoria Bueno in days now?

Vitoria Bueno is 20 years 4 days old.
Total 7,309 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Vitoria Bueno?

Vitoria Bueno's next birthday is in 11 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Vitoria Bueno?

Zodiac sign of Vitoria Bueno is Aries.

An amazing dancer of Brazilian origins and a participant of America's Got Talent, Vitoria Bueno is known as a courageous and hard-working lady who has born without arms. She came to this world in 2005 in Brazil and grew up alongside her brother Marcos. According to her mum, she fell in love with classical dancing and ballet when she was a child, and would spend hours training in dancing as well as receiving numerous seances of psychotherapy and psychological support. In the early 2020s she appeared in all stars performance of America's got Talent and finished the 3rd. Her most amazing performance was a dance to the song "You Say" by Lauren Daigle which was cheered by Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel and the spectators. Shortly after she took part in a similar German show Das Supertalent where she became a sensation. Vitoria Bueno can be found and followed on Instagram and there are over a half of a million followers there, as of the early 2025.

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