How old is Gianna Martello?

Gianna Martello was born on 10 June 1989.
Gianna Martello is 35 years old.

How old is Gianna Martello in days now?

Gianna Martello is 35 years 9 months 18 days old.
Total 13,075 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Gianna Martello?

Gianna Martello's next birthday is in 2 months 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Gianna Martello?

Zodiac sign of Gianna Martello is Gemini.

Giana Martello is a known dancer, choreographer, reality show star, and important social media influencer. She was born in 1989 in Pittsburgh, and she made the first steps in dancing at the age of 4. Since all of her female family members had to do with dancing, Gia's desire to develop a career in dancing was received greatly and supported. As a teenager, she took a lot of lessons and used to spend hours training and polishing her moves. Ase attended Point Park University where she studied marketing and public relations, as well as continued dancing as a member of  the Reign Dance Productions. For many years she has been associated with the Abby Lee Company. Giana Martello participated in a few episodes of Dance Moms and established very good relationships with Maddie Ziegler, as well as other participants. She currently lives in LA and is involved in a number of cool projects including some TV programs.

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