How old is Lindsay Arnold?
Lindsay Arnold was born on 11 January 1994.
Lindsay Arnold is 31 years old.
How old is Lindsay Arnold in days now?
Lindsay Arnold is 31 years 1 month 26 days old.
Total 11,380 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lindsay Arnold?
Lindsay Arnold's next birthday is in 10 months 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lindsay Arnold?
Zodiac sign of Lindsay Arnold is Capricorn.
A beautiful and talented dancer, Lindsay Arnold is known as the youngest ever participant of a popular show Dancing With the Stars. Born in 1994 in Utah, she spent her childhood there and made her first steps in the world of professional dancing. She has three sisters including Rylee Arnold, who are also known dancers, and together they have been running their joint YouTube channel titled The Arnold Sisters. In the early 2010s Lindsay took part in So You Think You Can Dance, and then a year later she appeared in season 16 of Dancing With The Stars followed by her appearing in 9 more consequent seasons and having partners like Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Matt James, David Ross, Wayna Morris, etc. In 2017 she danced with a singer Jordan Fisher and the couple became the winners of the show. Lindsay Arnold has been married since 2015 to he high school boyfriend Samuel Cusick, and they have 2 daughters, Sage and June.