How old is Sarah Paulson?

Sarah Paulson was born on 17 December 1974.
Sarah Paulson is 50 years old.

How old is Sarah Paulson in days now?

Sarah Paulson is 50 years 2 months 23 days old.
Total 18,348 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sarah Paulson?

Sarah Paulson's next birthday is in 9 months 5 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sarah Paulson?

Zodiac sign of Sarah Paulson is Sagittarius.

Sarah Paulson is a talented American actress known for her great performances on Brodaway and in some cinema movies. Born in 1974 in Florida, she spent her early childhood there, but later on moved to NYC with her newly divorced mom. Sarah started displaying vivid interest in acting in her high school times and started attending the American Academy of Arts. Her professional career started on TV by her participation in a popular TV series American Gothic and Jack & Jill. So far, Paulson has appeared in over three dozens of cinema movies including What Women Want (with Mel Gibson), The Spirit, Serentiy, Griffin & Phillips, Mud (with Matthew McConaughey), Oceans's 8, The Runner (with Nick Cage), The Post (with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks), and many others. On TV, Sarah participated in creating a number of shows like Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, American Horror Story, Mrs.America, Ratched, and many others. Her performances in such Broadway plays as The Glass Menagerie and Collected Stories were wonderful! Sarah Pauslen has won a few highly respected awards including the Golden Globe Award.

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