How old is Issa Rae?
Issa Rae was born on 12 January 1985.
Issa Rae is 40 years old.
How old is Issa Rae in days now?
Issa Rae is 40 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 14,681 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Issa Rae?
Issa Rae's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Issa Rae?
Zodiac sign of Issa Rae is Capricorn.
Issa Rae (real name is Jolssa Rae Diop) is a talented American actress and producer who has managed to attract a lot of public attention and fame for her amazing performance in an HBO show Insecure which she wrote together with a comedian Larry Wilmore. She was born in 1985 in California to the parents of Senegalese origins, and spent her early childhood in Dakar and Potomac alongside her siblings and numerous friends. She was growing as a very creative child, with amazing personal charisma and sense of humor. When she was a young teenager, her family moved back to LA where Issa studied at a school of medicine and science and got seriously interested in stage acting. In the mid 2000s she became a student at Stanford University where she studied arts, and after graduating in 2007 she moved to NYC to work as a writer and actress in a small local theater. Her first serious project Awkward Black Girl premiered in 2011 online, and during the decade her activities were revolving around the image of a black girl named J that she portrayed brilliantly. In the late 2010 and early 2020s she got active in some other cinema projects and appeared in such movies as The Hate You Give, Little, The Lovebirds, Vengeance, and others. On TV, Issa Rae took part in a few episodes of A Black Lady Sketch Show, as well as appeared on Saturday Nigh Live and such. She has produced a number of shows as well and participated in a few music videos, as well as has received nominations of a few awards like BAFTA and Golden Globe.