How old is Eden Sher?
Eden Sher was born on 26 December 1991.
Eden Sher is 33 years old.
How old is Eden Sher in days now?
Eden Sher is 33 years 3 months 2 days old.
Total 12,146 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Eden Sher?
Eden Sher's next birthday is in 8 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Eden Sher?
Zodiac sign of Eden Sher is Capricorn.
A TV actress and a very lovely lady, Eden Sher is a star of an ABC series The Middle where she portrayed Sue Sue Heck. Born and raised in LA, she discovered her talent for acting when she was a young child and in her primary school times she would join her school theater performances very often. Later on she used to take part in some local theater performances and was even lucky enough to get involved in making one of Jay Leno's show. In 2001 she made her cinema debut as a 10 years old child, and in the mid 2000s Eden appeared in her first TV show Weeds where she participated in making 8 episodes. Before her successful work in The Middle she appeared in such shows as Sons&Daughters, The Middleman, Sonny with a Chance, and others. Another significant work of hers was her role in Star vs The Forces of Evil. The late 2010s were marked for Eden Sher by taking part in the movies The Outcasts and Step Sisters. Then, she continued to work on other TV projects including the series Jane The Virgin, How I Met Your Father, Chibiverse, and others. She is married and is the mother of twin daughters.