How old is Sage Rosen?

Sage Rosen was born on 1 October 2002.
Sage Rosen is 22 years old.

How old is Sage Rosen in days now?

Sage Rosen is 22 years 5 months 27 days old.
Total 8,214 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sage Rosen?

Sage Rosen's next birthday is in 6 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sage Rosen?

Zodiac sign of Sage Rosen is Libra.

Sage Rosen is a famous dancer and YouTuber who is known for his participation in a few TV projects including Dancing With The Stars: Juniors. He was born in 2002 and grew up in a very large family, alongside his parents and seven siblings. He has been extremely interested in dancing since his early years and has received some great training in various styles and kinds of dancing. Sage was one of the participants of Dance Moms TV show where he made friends with many star dancers including Maddie Ziegler and others. As a teenager, he took part in producing various musical videos and collaborated with such superstars as Justin Bieber, SiaMariah Carey, Usher, and others. Recently he has appeared in a show Dancing With The Stars: Juniors where he danced with Mackenzie Ziegler and became the runner-up of the show. Sage Rosen is also an avid YouTuber and a talented creator of comedy related videos including pranks, challenges, lip-syncing, skits, and all kinds of stuff.

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