How old is Robert Downey Jr.?

Robert Downey Jr. was born on 4 April 1965.
Robert Downey Jr. is 59 years old.

How old is Robert Downey Jr. in days now?

Robert Downey Jr. is 59 years 11 months 24 days old.
Total 21,908 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Robert Downey Jr.?

Robert Downey Jr.'s next birthday is in 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Robert Downey Jr.?

Zodiac sign of Robert Downey Jr. is Aries.

Robert Downey Jr. is a famous American actor and musician, born in 1965 in New York, in a family of independent film director Robert Downey Sr. He received his first cinema role at the age of 5 when he joined his father's movie cast and played a role of a puppy. In the late 1980s, his first serious cinema performances were in sci-fi movies like Less Than Zero or Weird Science. He took part in a TV project, Saturday Night Live, but did not actually like working for the TV and decided to focus on cinema roles. In 1992, he played the main role of Chaplin movie, which brought the young actor an Academy Award Nomination and the national recognition. This was followed by his brilliant performance in Natural Born Killers and Richard III. During the late 1990s Downey's career was in decline, but closer to the early 2000s he started receiving invitations to various serious cinema projects like Gothika, A Scanner Darkly, Zodiac, etc. Starting from 2008, Downey started being involved in all the cinema movies related to Iron Man, one of the most popular Marvel Comics characters, including the movies like Avengers, Spiderman, Captain America, and others.  Many of Downey fans also appreciate his work in the movie Sherlock Holmes directed by Guy Ritchie, where he portrayed the famous character in an amazingly characteristic manner. Robert Downey is a Buddhist and a great fan of astrology. He is very much interested in music and in 2004 he recorded the album titled Futurist. He is a political and social activist. Robert Downey Jr. was married twice and has 3 children.

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