How old is Rico Rodriguez?

Rico Rodriguez was born on 31 July 1998.
Rico Rodriguez is 26 years old.

How old is Rico Rodriguez in days now?

Rico Rodriguez is 26 years 7 months 25 days old.
Total 9,737 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Rico Rodriguez?

Rico Rodriguez's next birthday is in 4 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Rico Rodriguez?

Zodiac sign of Rico Rodriguez is Leo.

Rico Rodriguez is a charismatic and sweet actor who is famous to the general public for his role in a cult TV series Modern Family. Born in 1998 in Texas and spent his childhood in the city of Bryan, alongside his parents and two siblings (a sister and a brother). His family is of Mexican origins and they all love arts and music so much! It was Rico's sister who started acting first, and he was inspired by her love and talent to acting. His cinema debut took place in 2007 when Rico was invited to join the cast of Epic Movie, and at about the same time he took part in pranks of Jimmy Kimmel's TV show. Till the end of the decade he appeared in one of two episodes of many cult TV series including iCarly, ER, My Name Is Earl, Nip/Tuck, and in 2009 he began appearing in Modern Family as one of the main characters. During the 2010s Rodriguez participated in filming the series like Cyberchase, Sesame Street, Chopped Junior, Austin And Ally, as well as gave his voice to a number of animated film characters. For his amazing performance in Modern Family Rico Rodriuez received a number of national awards as the best young TV series actor. He is also the author of the book which was published in 2012.

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