How old is Gabriel Basso?
Gabriel Basso was born on 11 December 1994.
Gabriel Basso is 30 years old.
How old is Gabriel Basso in days now?
Gabriel Basso is 30 years 3 months 14 days old.
Total 11,062 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gabriel Basso?
Gabriel Basso's next birthday is in 8 months 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Gabriel Basso?
Zodiac sign of Gabriel Basso is Sagittarius.
Gabriel Basso is an actor who started his professional career as a teenager and continues to take part in a lot of today's TV projects. Born in 1994 in Missouri, he grew up alongside his two sisters who are also actresses now. All three children of the family were home schooled by their parents and they had a wonderful childhood. As a teenager, Gabriel dreamed about becoming a football player, but in 2007 he was invited to play some minor roles in the movies Alice Upside Down and Meet Bill, he appeared in the latter alongside his elder sister. Shortly after the family moved to LA in order to get access to more of auditions and cinema projects. In the early 2010 Gabriel managed to obtain a role in a TV series The Big C, followed by his work in a movie Super 8 where he portrayed Martin Read. In 2013 he delivered a great performance in a comedy movie The Kings of Summer. He had a guest spot in such popular TV series as iCarly and Ghost Town. In the early 2020s Gabriel Basso participated in filming the movies Hillbilly Elegy, Trigger Warning and Junior 2, as well as joined the cast of a Tv show The Night Agent.