How old is Olivia Haschak?
Olivia Haschak was born on 1 September 2005.
Olivia Haschak is 19 years old.
How old is Olivia Haschak in days now?
Olivia Haschak is 19 years 6 months 30 days old.
Total 7,151 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Olivia Haschak?
Olivia Haschak's next birthday is in 5 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Olivia Haschak?
Zodiac sign of Olivia Haschak is Virgo.
Olivia Haschak is a young dancer and is the youngest of the Hascak sisters who are all dancers. Olivia was born in 2005 and grew up among her 3 elder sisters (Sierra Haschak, Gracie Haschak and Madison Haschak) who are all dancers and the members of the Haschak Sisters team which has own YouTube channel and is quite popular online resource among dancers. In her early childhood Olivia took Temecula Dance classes are was trained in ballet, jazz, modern dance, and other styles. She has appeared in a number of projects, as well as in the projects like The Perfect Gift, etc. Olivia is a very talented young lady, who has started her career now and is developing as a dancer. Viewers remember her amazing performance in Clique, the cover of Kanye West video. Olivia Haschak is definitely a rising star and she will say her world in the word of dancing for sure!! As of the mid 2024, there are 9 million subscribers to her YouTube channel, as well as a half million people following her Instagram account.