How old is Nolen Dubuc?
Nolen Dubuc was born on 6 October 2007.
Nolen Dubuc is 17 years old.
How old is Nolen Dubuc in days now?
Nolen Dubuc is 17 years 5 months 7 days old.
Total 6,368 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Nolen Dubuc?
Nolen Dubuc's next birthday is in 6 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Nolen Dubuc?
Zodiac sign of Nolen Dubuc is Libra.
Nolen Dubuc is a young actor of Canadian origins who has already got his fame for a few roles in such TV projects as Schmigadoon! or 13: The Musical. He was born in 2007 in Vancouver and started to get interested in drama and playing on stage since he was a kid. HE started taking choreography and music lessons when he was 4. His debut on a professional stage took place when Nolen was only 9 years old and joined some musicals in Theater Under the Stars. His performance was even marked by some known awards. In the late 2010s he appeared in a few TV movies like Good Boys, The Christmas Waltz, Taking a Shot at Love, and Schmigadoon! In 2022 he starred with a role of Malcolm on Netflix in a musical 13 where he appeared alongside Josh Peck. As of the late 2024 Nolen Dubuc continues participating in various theater projects in Canada, promoting his YouTube channel, as well as spending time with his family, his two brothers and two dogs.