How old is Megan Fox?

Megan Fox was born on 16 May 1986.
Megan Fox is 38 years old.

How old is Megan Fox in days now?

Megan Fox is 38 years 10 months 10 days old.
Total 14,194 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Megan Fox?

Megan Fox's next birthday is in 1 month 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Megan Fox?

Zodiac sign of Megan Fox is Taurus.

Megan Denise Fox is a famous American actress and model. She was born in 1986 in Tennessee and started her career as a model when she was in high school. She also used to take vocal classes, and in her teen ages she tried to develop a career as a singer. However, due to her cold beauty and being a tall lady, Megan has rather managed to achieve success in the field of modeling. Her cinema debut was the movie Holiday In The Sun, where she starred alongside the Olsen sisters, Ashley Olsen and Mary-Kate Olsen. Later on, she took part in a series of Transformers movies, together with Shia LeBeouf. Passion Play, She Is 40 and Jennifer's Body are among other successful movies of the actress. Megan Fox was married to Brian Austin Green, and the couple has three children, but they got divorced in 2021. Later on she got engaged to a singer Machine Gun Kelly, but in the early 2024 their engagement was called off.

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