How old is Mariah Amato?
Mariah Amato was born on 27 August 1994.
Mariah Amato is 30 years old.
How old is Mariah Amato in days now?
Mariah Amato is 30 years 7 months 1 day old.
Total 11,171 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mariah Amato?
Mariah Amato's next birthday is in 4 months 30 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mariah Amato?
Zodiac sign of Mariah Amato is Virgo.
Mariah Amato is a talented dancer and social media star who is also famous for her participation in various projects by known dancers. Born in 1994 in New York, she grew up in quite a large family, alongside her parents, two sisters and a brother. Dancing has been her passion since her early years, and Mariah has received some great training on various styles of dancing. She demonstrated some really great success and in the early 2010s was noticed by the experts in dancing. Since the mid 2010s she has been running her YouTube and TikTok channel where it is possible to see her amazing choreography. She collaborated with a large number of social media stars like Liza Kochy, Carly Incontro, Jason Nash, and others. Later in the decade she started getting interested in singing and began uploading videos of her covers of many famous songs which attracted attention and increased the number of her followers. As of the mid 2024, the number of her TikTok followers is exceeding 2.3 million people, and there are also almost one million subscribers following her Instagram account. Currently, Mariah Amato is engaged to Heath Hussar, an Insatgrammer from Philadelphia.