How old is Liam Scarlett?
Liam Scarlett was born on 8 April 1986. Liam Scarlett died on 16 April 2021 at the age of 35 years.
What was the exact age of Liam Scarlett?
Liam Scarlett's exact age was 35 years 8 days old. Liam Scarlett lived for total 12,792 days.
What would be the age of Liam Scarlett if alive?
Liam Scarlett's exact age would be 38 years 11 months 20 days old if alive. Total 14,234 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Liam Scarlett?
Zodiac sign of Liam Scarlett is Aries.
Liam Scarlett was a talented and famous British dancer and choreographer who rose to fame for his collaboration with The Royal Ballet. Born in 1986 in Ipswich, he grew up there alongside his family. Ballet was his passion since he was 4 and his parents supported Liam in his desire to master this style. He attended plenty of classes and was sent to the Royal Ballet Lower School. In his early teen ages he started demonstrating really extraordinary skills and continued studying in the Upper School. Scarlett started appearing on the best opera and ballet stages of the UK when he was in his early 20s, and in the early 2010s be became the youngest ballet director for the Royal Ballet. In his late 20s he gave up his dancing career in order to continue solely as a choreographer and ballet director. He stages almost three dozens of ballet works and worked in other European countries like Norway, Poland, etc. The late 2010s were marked for Scarlett by a series of scandals related to allegations in his misconduct. However, no profs were found. The situation resulted in him being fired from the Royal Ballet. Sadly, in April 2021 Liam Scarlett was found dead in his house. He was only 35 years old...