How old is Jeremy Renner?
Jeremy Renner was born on 7 January 1971.
Jeremy Renner is 54 years old.
How old is Jeremy Renner in days now?
Jeremy Renner is 54 years 2 months 22 days old.
Total 19,805 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jeremy Renner?
Jeremy Renner's next birthday is in 9 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jeremy Renner?
Zodiac sign of Jeremy Renner is Capricorn.
Jeremy Renner is a talented actor known mainly for his role in Marvel movie series. Born in 1971 in California, he spent his childhood in the city of Modesto, alongside his family and friends. He has 7 brothers and half-brothers, and one of his siblings is 40 years younger than him. Renner began his path as a professional actor in the mid 1990s when he joined a few movie casts as a comedy actor. The first really successful roles of his were the ones in the movies Angel, Dahmer, North County, A Little Trip To Heaven, Jesse James (opposite Brad Pitt), and others. His real breakthrough took place later in the decade, with the movies The Hurt Locker, followed by such epic movies as Ingenious, MI: Ghost Protocol, The Town. In 2011 Renner was invited to join the cast of the movie Thor where he portrayed Hawkeye. This role made him recognizable and loved by millions of fans, and during the 2010s he participated in 5 other Marvel movies. Jeremy Renner also co-starred in other MI movies, in Bourne Legacy, American Hustle, Kill The Messenger, Wind River, Tag, and many others. He is also a singer, guitarist, drummer, and songwriter, and he recorded a few songs for the movies that he took part in. In the early 2023 he suffered from some serious health issues caused by a gardening accident.