How old is Jay Leno?

Jay Leno was born on 28 April 1950.
Jay Leno is 74 years old.

How old is Jay Leno in days now?

Jay Leno is 74 years 10 months 14 days old.
Total 27,349 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jay Leno?

Jay Leno's next birthday is in 1 month 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jay Leno?

Zodiac sign of Jay Leno is Taurus.

Jay Leno is a famous American TV host, comedian, actor, producer, writer, and stage performer. He was born James Douglas Muir Leno in 1950 in New York and his parents were quite recent immigrants (his mother came from Scotland and his father was an Italian immigrant). He spent his childhood alongside his brother and studied speech therapy. When he was a college student, Jay established a comedy lovers club and it was the start of his long way to the professional comedy TV hosting. He started appearing on stage as a stand-up comedian in the late 1970s, and in the mid-1980s, he was already a part of The Tonight Show team. In the 1990s, he became a host of this popular show and was its host until 2009 when Leno was given the prime time, after a conflict with Conan O'Brien. He continued hosting the Tonight Show until 2014 and then announced his resignation from the show. During the late 2010s, Jay Leno was a host of Jay Leno's Garage show. He appeared in almost four dozens movies. Jay Leno is a social personality who often takes part in various charity related projects. He collects automobiles and takes part in various related events.

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