How old is Hasan Minhaj?
Hasan Minhaj was born on 23 September 1985.
Hasan Minhaj is 39 years old.
How old is Hasan Minhaj in days now?
Hasan Minhaj is 39 years 6 months 7 days old.
Total 14,433 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Hasan Minhaj?
Hasan Minhaj's next birthday is in 5 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Hasan Minhaj?
Zodiac sign of Hasan Minhaj is Libra.
Hasan Minhaj is an American comedian, TV actor, presented, host and political commentator who is known as the host of his TV show named Patriot Act. He was born in 1985 in California, to the family of immigrants who had just came to the US from India. He spent his early childhood alongside his father as his mum used to spend a lot of time in India finishing her education. When Hasan was 8 years old, his mum came back to California together with a 5-year-old girl who turned out to be his sister that he had no idea about. During his school years Minhaj experienced some discrimination because he was the only Indian kid at school. After finishing college, he started trying himself as a standup comedian inspired by Chris Rock. In the late 2000s Minhaj began collaborating with some TV producers and TV channels. In 2014 he was invited to join the cast of The Daily Show and began collaborating first with Jon Stewart and later on with Trevor Noah. He worked as a correspondent for the show until the late 2010s when he started getting focused on creating his own show Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj. His TV show was very successful and brought him a few important awards. He is married to Beena Patel, a Doctor of Public Health, and the couple has two kids, a daughter and a son.
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