How old is Hannah Grace Colin?

Hannah Grace Colin was born on 29 March 2005.
Hannah Grace Colin is 19 years old.

How old is Hannah Grace Colin in days now?

Hannah Grace Colin is 19 years 11 months 27 days old.
Total 7,304 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Hannah Grace Colin?

Hannah Grace Colin's next birthday is in 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Hannah Grace Colin?

Zodiac sign of Hannah Grace Colin is Aries.

Hannah Grace Colin is a lovely dancer who rose to fame as a member of a few famous dance teams, as well as known for her participation in a popular TV show Dance Moms. Born in 2005 in Indiana, she grew up in New Albany and is one of four children of her mom Ann Colin who is also a dancer. Hannah has been receiving some great training in dancing since her early years and still continues to master the best dancing skills. As a child, she used to prefer classic dance, lyrical and tap styles, and later on she got focused on more modern styles. In 2018 she took part in Dance Moms alongside her mom and such stars as Abby Lee Miller and Sarah Georgiana. Hannah Grace Colin has her personal Instagram account where she has been sharing her pictures and videos with all her subscribers. There are about a half of a million followers there, as of the early 2024.

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