How old is Gracie Haschak?
Gracie Haschak was born on 7 April 2002.
Gracie Haschak is 22 years old.
How old is Gracie Haschak in days now?
Gracie Haschak is 22 years 11 months 24 days old.
Total 8,394 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gracie Haschak?
Gracie Haschak's next birthday is in 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Gracie Haschak?
Zodiac sign of Gracie Haschak is Aries.
Gracie Haschak is one of the Haschak sisters (Olivia Haschak, Madison Haschaik, and Sierra Haschak), famous for their online activities and YouTube account which has about 9.5 million followers. Gracie was born in 2002 in California and became a part of this wonderful crowded family with 4 amazing girls. Gracie was a participant in many commercials as a little girl dancer, and as a child, she took part in such shows as America's Got Talent, 90210, etc. Gracie delivered a lot of performances with her sisters, including the videos they are posting online, as well as some videos and some young singer support performances. Together with Olivia, Sierra, and Madison, Gracie Haschak is a member of Funnifilx team which also includes MattyB.