How old is Esthalla Ortiz?
Esthalla Ortiz was born on 29 December 1992.
Esthalla Ortiz is 32 years old.
How old is Esthalla Ortiz in days now?
Esthalla Ortiz is 32 years 2 months 3 days old.
Total 11,753 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Esthalla Ortiz?
Esthalla Ortiz's next birthday is in 9 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Esthalla Ortiz?
Zodiac sign of Esthalla Ortiz is Capricorn.
One of the famous YouTube family channel members, Esthalla Ortiz is the mother of the Ortiz family and of one of the most popular teenage social media star Txunamy. Esthalla was born in 1992 and had her first child known now as Txunamy when she was only 16 years old. Together with her husband Diezel Ortiz known as Sdiezzel, she has got 5 children, with Txunamy being the eldest, and Ranger, Diezel, Solage, and Ocean being the other ones. Their family channel called The Familia Diamong was launched in 2017, but the real path in the world of social media was started in 2014 when Esthalla opened an Instagram account for her eldest daughter. Txumany is the one that helps all the family media channels go up. The current number of the followers of the Familia channel is close to 11 million people, and there is also a personal TikTok channel of Esthalla Ortis has got the popularity among its 9 million followers.
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