How old is Emma Roberts?
Emma Roberts was born on 10 February 1991.
Emma Roberts is 34 years old.
How old is Emma Roberts in days now?
Emma Roberts is 34 years 27 days old.
Total 12,446 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Emma Roberts?
Emma Roberts's next birthday is in 11 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Emma Roberts?
Zodiac sign of Emma Roberts is Aquarius.
Emma Rose Roberts is an American actress and a singer who is famous for her successful work in Hollywood. She is a niece of Julia Roberts. She was born in 1991 and started her acting career when she was only 10 years old, with the movie Blow. As a child, she played in such movies as Spymate, Nancy Drew, and Wild Child. In 2009, she played the main role in the Winning Season movie which received excellent response from the audience, followed by her great success in Hotel for Dogs and Finally, in 2011, she became a star in the American Horror Story movie, and this role made Roberts a much-wanted actress for various horror movies. She dated Evan Peters and then was in a relationship with an actor Garrett Hedlund. She has a son with him who came to this world in the late 2020. However, in 2022 the couple split up, and in 2024 Emma got engaged to Cody John, a TV actor.