How old is Emma Kenney?
Emma Kenney was born on 14 September 1999.
Emma Kenney is 25 years old.
How old is Emma Kenney in days now?
Emma Kenney is 25 years 6 months 15 days old.
Total 9,328 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Emma Kenney?
Emma Kenney's next birthday is in 5 months 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Emma Kenney?
Zodiac sign of Emma Kenney is Virgo.
Emma Kenney is a lovely actress who became known to the general public for her amazing performance in Shameless. She was born in 1999 in New York City, to the family of a lawyer and a press writer. She grew up alongside her brother and her friends. It is interested that she started getting interested to cinema art but saw her future rather as a movie director or script writer than an actress. She took part in a few related completions and was invited to join some TV projects and short films like Lyre Liar or Bittersweet. In the early 2010s she took part in filming over 130 episodes of a cult TV series Shameless which make Emma really famous. She spent more of the decade taking various lessons of drama and improvisation. In the late 2010s Emma Kenney starred in such TV shows as The Connes and Rosanne, as well as appeared in the movie Robert the Bruce. In 2022 she appeared in a movie titled Murder at Yellowstone City.