How old is Edward Norton?

Edward Norton was born on 18 August 1969.
Edward Norton is 55 years old.

How old is Edward Norton in days now?

Edward Norton is 55 years 7 months 12 days old.
Total 20,313 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Edward Norton?

Edward Norton's next birthday is in 4 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Edward Norton?

Zodiac sign of Edward Norton is Leo.

Edward Norton is a talented American actor, producer, director, and social activist. He was born in Boston and grew up in a family with traditional values. Since his parents, especially his father, were strictly against him developing an acting career, Edward had to enter a serious university (he is a Yale University graduate) and start a serious job. However, despite the objections of his father, he ended up starting to act in various theater studios of New York, at the age after 25. His first cinema role in Primal Fear brought the young actor the Golden Globe award. Next success came to him with the movie American History X, but Norton became a real revelation to the general public with his brilliant performance in Fight Club (1999), opposite Brad Pitt. His directorial debut took place in 2000 with a comedy Keeping the Faith. In 2002 Norton played one of the lead roles in Red Dragon alongside Anthony Hopkins. The Illusionist, Kingdom of Heaven, The Incredible Hulk, The Grand Budapest Hotel are among other notable works of Norton. He is a very busy social activist, with a huge number of projects, starting from various environment protection ones and ending up with affordable housing development organizations. Norton dated Salma Hayek and Courtney Love but got married to a Canadian producer Shauna Robertson. The couple has a son, Atlas.

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