How old is Dylan Sprouse?
Dylan Sprouse was born on 4 August 1992.
Dylan Sprouse is 32 years old.
How old is Dylan Sprouse in days now?
Dylan Sprouse is 32 years 7 months 8 days old.
Total 11,908 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Dylan Sprouse?
Dylan Sprouse's next birthday is in 4 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Dylan Sprouse?
Zodiac sign of Dylan Sprouse is Leo.
Dylan Sprouse is a young American actor who became popular as a child actor and is the twin brother of Cole Sprouse. The boys were born in August 1992 in Italy to the American parents, who in those times were teaching English in Europe. In 1993 the family moved back to California and the grandma of the boys, who was the teacher of acting arts, assisted little Cole and little Dylan to be brought to the attention of TV commercial and program managers. So the boys had got a chance to take part in various commercials and TV movies. In some of those, they were cast as just one character, like their role in Friends or Grace Under Fire TV series. Starting from 2005, Cole and Dylan Sprouse began working side by side in a lasting TV project The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, where Dylan played the role of Zack Martin. The TV series became very popular and as their characters, the Sprouse brothers appeared in some other shows for teenagers. In contrast to his brother Cole, Dylan Sprouse usually appears in the projects only alongside his twin brother.