How old is Dianne Buswell?
Dianne Buswell was born on 6 May 1989.
Dianne Buswell is 35 years old.
How old is Dianne Buswell in days now?
Dianne Buswell is 35 years 10 months 22 days old.
Total 13,110 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Dianne Buswell?
Dianne Buswell's next birthday is in 1 month 8 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Dianne Buswell?
Zodiac sign of Dianne Buswell is Taurus.
Dianne Buswell is a famous dancer from Australia who became known for her participation in popular shows like Dancing With The Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, etc. Born in 1989 in Australia, she grew up in the city of Bunsbury, alongside her family. Dancing has been her only passion since she was a young child, and her parents provided Dianne with excellent training. She is considered one of the best in a vast variety of styles, starting from classic and ballroom dancing and ending up with modern styles. As a teenager, she started her professional career as a musical dancer, with her great performances in such musicals as Burn the Floor, Rock of Ages, Legally Blonde, and others. In the early 2010s Buswell began taking part in popular TV shows, both in Australia and abroad, in particular in the UK. Also in the beginning of the 2020s Dianne Buswell joined the UK program Strictly Come Dancing and continued appearing on British TV. She is also known for dating Joe Sugg, an English celebrity whom he was dancing with. As of the mid 2024, they live together in a newly bought house.